Saturday, August 16, 2014

Science: 4 Widespread Misconceptions about Genetics You Should Know

Image Credit to AJ Cann

Currently there are 4 common misconceptions spread by the media about genetics.

1. That an organisms features can be determined solely by its genes(Genetic determinism)
2. Single genes are the causes of specific anatomical/behavioral aspects
3. Genes are a blueprint
4. Genes only code for single proteins

Myth: Genetic Determinism

While it is true that certain behaviors are genetically programmed, it is false that ALL behavior and phenotypes, which are observable traits, are fixed. There is a large body of evidence that animals, especially humans, can change certain aspects of their biology through learned experience. Such as sleep cycles or other circadian rhythms. In fact the recent advent of Epigenetics only further falsifies this myth.

Myth: Gene causes X

It is always in the news that there might be a gene for this or for that, however that is simply not the case. There is no such thing as a "gay gene", or a "cancer gene", or even a "fat gene". It is a gross over simplification of the matter, mostly just to save time explaining and it is easier to teach it that way. However this only spreads misinformation.

The possibility that a single gene codes for a single phenotype is rare. Rather a set of genes and epigenetic influences are the causes. So there is no "cancer gene" that runs in your family, but rather a set of genes that could influence your chances of getting cancer. Even then certain lifestyle changes can increase or decrease your chances of getting cancer epigenetically.

Myth: Genes are a Blueprint

They are actually more like recipes. I know your first thought may be, "Well what's the difference?" Well the major problem is that a "blueprint" doesn't really describe a gene. It suggests that genes are singular and serve singular purposes. Think about it this way, if you follow a blue print to the key you should get an exact replica of whatever it is you are trying to create.

However with genes that doesn't always happen. Rather it's more like a recipe because even though you follow all the steps and instructions with the proper ingredients, it doesn't quite come out right. Traits emerge from the interaction of genes, not the genes themselves. It really goes like this.

Genes → Gene expression → Proteins

The common idea is that one gene equals one protein. However that is false as one gene can produce multiple different proteins, and proteins can come from completely different genes. Lets use another representation for this. Let X and Y represent proteins, and any other letter we use represent genes. 

A + B + C = X
A + B + B = X
A + B + C = Y
A + D + C = Y
C + E + G = Y
A + B + E = X

Notice how the second and third are the exactly the same but produce different proteins. The protein X is produced by 3 different combinations. In this way we can understand that genes are not blueprints but more like recipes. 

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