There are two forces at play within the human psyche. Two forces which have spurned human consciousness to a heightened evolutionary state. These forces while polar opposites are simply two sides of the same coin. Logic and emotion are an integral part of our lives and decision making. Our world is filled with an infinite amount of options. So how exactly do we make the decisions that we do? First let's create two operation definitions for the terms Logic and Emotion
Logic refers to the use of reason based on valid assumptions and rational thought. Logic is objective and based on factual evidence than can be observed. It requires critical thinking, and is driven by thought. It can further be subdivided into inductive reasoning & deductive reasoning.
Emotion refers to the use of interpretation/feeling based on our moods/temperaments as well as personal experiences. Emotion is subjective and based on principles and values that we have decided for ourselves. Emotion allows humans to feel empathy. It can be further subdivided into positive and negative emotions.
It should be noticed that while they are both polarities they have different responses. Logic creates a solid foundation of knowledge. It's role is to persuade, to give us the pros and cons of solutions based on observation. Emotion leads and motivates individuals. This is the force that moves people into action. That is why emotional people tend to act rather than think, and logical people tend to think rather than act.
It then becomes quite clear that logic must temper emotion and likewise emotion must temper logic. Imagine you are in an audience and you are listening to a presidential candidate giving a speech on his ideas to change the country. A speech based on pure emotion would obviously be quite alarming. "What is he basing this on?" would probably be your first thought. Now let's imagine the opposite, what if he gave a speech based purely on logic? You would be bored out of your mind and you wouldn't able to be relate.
It's like a professor giving a lecture and about the pros and cons of solar power, and then at the end he says we have to solve it. Your first thought might be, "So what's the solution?" Now imagine the candidate who uses both. After he has related his facts and reasoning, he uses emotion to drive us to the solution he thinks is right based on those facts. This is the candidate that will win the election because he has learned to temper both forces. Emotion gives us a motive, logic gives us a reason. Every decision we have ever made, has been formulated from both forces working together. Not necessarily in 50-50 relationship. It can be 51-49 or 72-28 0r even 9-91.
That's the reason why we have two hemispheres. One for Logic and one for Emotion.
Logic Problems
- Utilitarianism
- Logic can be tainted by false assumptions. Many marketers use this to their advantage by creating irrational gaps that require the audience to fill in the pieces. These gaps are what's known as logical fallacies.
- Lack of ethics
Emotion Problems
- Religious Extremism
- Radicalism and terrorism
- Lack of understanding
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